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Address: Tina Božič Private Practice, Gregorčičeva 25, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia - EU (CET timezone)
Tina has been a practicing professional for over twenty years, supporting women in recovering and rebuilding personal power lost in challenging relationships for various reasons. She is expanding psychotherapy with energy psychology and feminine psychospiritual work, helping women to become adept at accessing their inner wisdom, leading their lives from within, and drawing strength and inspiration from their precious internal resources.
It all starts within.
Tina Božič is a fully trained psychodynamic psychotherapist registered with the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) with a B.A. in Psychology (University of Ljubljana). She is a Dynamic Energetic Healing® Certified Professional, an EFT Practitioner (L2; L3 non-acc.), and a Sacred Womb Healing Practitioner.